AoEC Croatia

AoEC Croatia

Practitioner Diploma in Executive Coaching

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AoEC Croatia is dedicated to serving the needs of managers and organisations striving to build successful companies and engaged employees and we have been delivering AoEC coach training programmes since 2005.

Aiming to raise the awareness and competence of managers by developing a new leadership culture, we are driven to add greater efficiency and profitability and enhance the leadership qualities of all managers and team leaders. Making the processes in organisations faster and more agile, our team are on hand to help authentic leaders with integrity and wisdom in leading businesses and people.

Believing that learning to be a great coach is a profound and personal journey, we offer professional, triple-accredited executive coach training which blends theory with practice to allow participants to develop their own coaching model and deepen their people skills.


Number of managers we worked with through our tools in 2015/2016


Number of organisations with whom we work with in the region


Number of qualified executive coaches and trainers at AoEC Croatia/Serbia

Programme Information:

Meet The Team

Alan Žepec   Head of AoEC Croatia & Serbia

Alan Žepec Head of AoEC Croatia & Serbia

Alan Žepec   Head of AoEC Croatia & Serbia

Alan Žepec Head of AoEC Croatia & Serbia

Alan Žepec is the founder of the LQ organization and works as a coach, trainer and consultant in the area of personal and organizational development for leaders and organizations in Croatia and abroad. In last 23 years Alan established two successful companies in construction and consulting business, both of them becoming market leader in the industry niche. He is a lecturer at the London Academy of Executive Coaching. Above all, Alan is committed to bring with his team new leadership culture to organizations all around the world.

Ljupko Kontešić  Faculty

Ljupko Kontešić Faculty

Ljupko Kontešić  Faculty

Ljupko Kontešić Faculty

Ljupo is working as an Executive & Life Coach and Business Trainer. Rich experience from a 20-year professional sports and high business environment he is using as a basis for working towards the body and mind integration in everyday life of leaders. As a business trainer he is working on projects in the region that are the domain of the development of soft skills, basis of personal development and high professional sales skills.

Maja Gabrijan  Faculty

Maja Gabrijan Faculty

Maja Gabrijan  Faculty

Maja Gabrijan Faculty

Maja ima petnaest godina iskustva u radu sa ljudima, razvoju timova, organizacija i postavljanju sistema za ljudske resurse. Sertifikovani je executive coach i predavač AoEC iz Velike Britanije, kao i predavač Londonske škole za odnose s javnošću. Njene ključne teme obuka su iz oblasti razvoja ljudi i komunikacije: lični razvoj menadžera, motivacija, retorika i prezentacijske veštine, coaching edukacija, krizna komunikacija, timski rad. Maja veruje da zdrava i srećna jedinka stvara zdrav i srećan sistem, te da je svesnost ključ da se to toga dodje. Mama je jedne Dunje.

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