A Guide to Accrediting Bodies
Accreditation is increasingly sought after in the coaching industry – particularly from departments responsible for coaching procurement. With no formal regulation in the industry, there is a need for coaches to demonstrate credibility and provide reassurance. Accreditation provides this.
Types of accreditation
There are two types of accreditation in the coaching profession: accreditation of programmes and accreditation of individual coaches.
Our Diploma programmes are accredited with the International Coaching Federation (ICF), the European Mentoring and Coaching Council Global (EMCC Global), and the Association for Coaching (AC).
To become an accredited coach, you will need to apply individually to your chosen professional body. On graduating from one of our Diploma programmes, further work including coaching practice is required to gain individual accreditation. However, having graduated from an accredited programme the process is much simpler. We, the AoEC, also offer individual accreditation to our graduates.
AoEC Accreditation
As a graduate of one of our Diploma programmes, we will have got to know you as a coach, your growing edges and your professional goals. You will know how we work, our commitment to excellence and our desire to support our participants in their professional success.
We want to continue to build on this partnership by offering free individual AoEC accreditation to you for one year, provided the following requirements are met:
- evidence of Professional Indemnity Insurance (not required for internal coaches)
- agreement to abide by the AoEC Code of Ethics

International Coaching Federation (ICF)
- US‑based global accrediting body
‘The ICF is the leading global organisation for coaches and coaching. It is dedicated to advancing the coaching profession by setting high standards, providing independent certification and building a worldwide network of trained coaching professionals.’
The ICF has three levels of individual accreditation and credentialing:
1. ACC (Associate Certified Coach)
2. PCC (Professional Certified Coach)
3. MCC (Master Certified Coach)
The AoEC is recognised by the ICF as a Level 1 and Level 2 ICF Accredited Coaching Education Provider.
Having graduated from one of our Diploma programmes, the following training requirements will have been fulfilled:
- Practitioner Diploma - Level 1 ‑ designated as ACC Accredited Education. Cohorts commencing prior to 2023 completed 60 Accredited Coach Specific Training Hours (ACSTH
- Advanced Practitioner Diploma - Level 2 ‑ designated as PCC Accredited Education. Cohorts commencing prior to 2023 completed an Accredited Coach Training Program (ACTP)
- Professional Practitioner Diploma - Level 2 - designated as PCC Accredited Education

Association for Coaching (AC)
UK‑based global accrediting body
‘The AC is a leading independent, not‑for‑profit, professional body, dedicated to promoting best practices and raising awareness of standards of coaching worldwide.’
The AC has four levels of individual accreditation:
1. Foundation Executive Coach
2. Executive Coach
3. Professional Executive Coach
4. Master Executive Coach
Our Practitioner Diploma has an Accredited Award in Coach Training status with the AC.
Having graduated with our Practitioner Diploma, the training requirement will have been fulfilled for Foundation Executive Coach. From 2022 Practitioner Diploma graduates are eligible for AC Accelerated Accreditation.

European Mentoring and Coaching Council Global (EMCC Global)
Europe‑based global accrediting body
‘The EMCC exists to develop, promote, and set the expectation of best practice in mentoring, coaching, and supervision globally for the benefit of society. Our vision is to be the ‘go to’ body in mentoring, coaching, and supervision.’
The EMCC has four levels of individual accreditation:
1. Foundation
2. Practitioner
3. Senior Practitioner
4. Master Practitioner
Our Practitioner Diploma and Advanced Practitioner Diploma are both EMCC Global Quality Award (EQA) accredited. Our Systemic Team Coaching Diploma is EMCC Global Team Coaching Quality Award (TCQA) accredited.
Having graduated from one of our Diploma programmes, the following training requirements will have been fulfilled:
• Practitioner Diploma – Practitioner level, EMCC Global Individual Accreditation (EIA)
• Advanced Practitioner Diploma – Senior Practitioner level, EMCC Global Individual Accreditation (EIA)
• Systemic Team Coaching Diploma - Senior Practitioner level, EMCC Global Individual Team Coaching Accreditation (ITCA)
Our Diploma graduates are EQA/TCQA holders and eligible for the fast track to EIA/ITCA.

Association for Professional Executive Coaching and Supervision (APECS)
UK‑based accrediting body
‘APECS is the top level professional membership body for executive coaching, supervision, and advisory services to corporate organisations. It exists to ensure that in a complex world, executives and their organisations are able to benefit from executive coaching and supervision to deliver ethical and sustainable development globally.’
Our training programmes and training hours will count towards accreditation with APECS.
This is not an exhaustive list of professional coaching bodies.