"Don't just do the accreditation, be inside the process" - Anne Archer on her experience of The Resilience Engine®

1st December by Claire Penny

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"Don't just do the accreditation, be inside the process"

Resilience Accreditation Case Study

Anne Archer, Accredited in the use of The Resilience Engine® models 2014

I am interested in the wellbeing of mind and body and how we can thrive when we balance our professional and personal lives and our psychological and physical selves. What intrigues me is how and if wellbeing and resilience are connected.

In a corporate context we often think of wellbeing from a psychological perspective, however I am increasingly aware that the physical aspects of wellbeing are significant. If we are insufficiently hydrated and nourished physically then it is hard to maintain focus and mental energy, especially when under pressure. This delicious complexity and simplicity of mind and body, context, professional and personal fuels my juices on a daily basis.

Several years ago now, I met Jenny Campbell of Life Times Work at a coaching event and we started to explore our respective interests through the common denominator of coaching. I was stimulated by Jenny’s thinking and we stayed connected. Jenny and I were honoured to work at the ICF Global Conference sharing with a large group of coaches some of the emerging resilience ideas. As Jenny started to explore her notion of accreditation, so more people could benefit from learning how to become more resilient, we agreed I would be involved in a pilot process.

At first, when I thought about doing the accreditation I was concerned that I couldn’t find the time and wondered if I could or should prioritise this over client work. I figured out that the process would enable me to get clear what I wanted professionally from my connection to Jenny and her work. The design of the process also enabled me to consider how the resilience work fitted to my own practice as it is not prescriptive. As I got into the accreditation process, I found myself motivated to explore to some depth what some of these things so often bandied around meant to me and to my clients.

One of the more significant aspects of going through the process was that I became inspired to learn, at a deeper level, about human potential and what can at times disable the achievement of that. My coaching practice has changed quite significantly as I find myself attending to different factors in myself and my clients whether individuals or groups. A key element of my work right now is working within organisations supporting people in throws of busyness. This works so well with the notion of adaptive capacity, wasted emotional energy due to poor coping strategies or lack of clear focus.

If you are considering accreditation, my best advice would be to make sure you take the time to do it justice. Allow the concepts and ideas to permeate and integrate into your own life as well as your practice. Don’t just do the accreditation, be inside the process – it is worth it.

Anne is an Advanced level coach with the AoEC and has studied at masters level, she holds a Master of Science (MSc), Management and Organisational Development at Roffey Park/university of Manchester and trains and assess coaches and mentors. She is a supervisor to a number of inspiring and talented coaches. Her practice combines wellbeing and resilience coaching with leadership development. Anne works in UK and mainland Europe alongside clients as a coach and facilitating team and group sessions around aspects of productivity and engagement.

The Academy of Executive Coaching are proud to be launching The Resilience Engine Accreditation Programme for coaches and OD consultants. It starts on the 24th January 2017 and is designed to:

1. equip accredited coaches/consultants with the skills and knowledge required to support self and others in the development of resilience through workshop learning, and team/one to one coaching.

2. To licence accredited coaches/consultants to use the The Resilience Engine® models Materials to support self and others in the development of resilience.

Investing in your own resilience as a coach will serve you and your current practice. It will ensure you are operating from your best and the learning you take away will enable your clients to do the same.