Practitioner Diploma / Gerd Kanter: Olympic champion and AoEC Graduate in Estonia

21st March by Anne-Liis Paide

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Gerd Kanter: Olympic champion and AoEC Graduate in Estonia

The Chair of the European Olympic Committees Athletes Commission and an Olympic champion Gerd Kanter is the first top athlete who has graduated with the Practitioner Diploma delivered by AoEC Estonian partner EBS Executive Education

Gerd Kanter says that it is critical in sports to make the right decisions. “The options and problems faced by athletes are different, e.g. the planning of training sessions, management with injuries, unsuccessful performances at competitions etc. The role of a coach is to help the person identify the problems, notice probable solutions and reach the most suitable solution, facilitate to analyse situations in a neutral manner and objectively from the bystander´s point of view, motivate and inspire. Coaching states that all the solutions are inside the person themselves, but sometimes there is a need for external support to notice and raise awareness to implement the most appropriate solutions,” said Kanter.

Kanter added that this would be a useful competence in personal management in every field of life. “I plan to use coaching along with counselling and guiding athletes. The material that I have acquired during the course has also enabled me to set the focus for the last season in my career.”

The Vice President of the Estonian Olympic Committee Tõnu Tõniste says that it is a difficult art for top level athletes to recognise the most suitable options and make the right decisions, especially when aiming high. “Thus, it is good to know that there is an executive coach in Estonia now who has an in-depth knowledge in top sports and could support talented athletes in their careers, with a lot of challenges to be met. Gerd is an excellent role model with his achievements, personality, persistence and dedication, whereas he is now able to facilitate the development of new personalities and achievements,” said Tõniste.


Left to right: Peep Aaviksoo - Head of AoEC Estonia, Gerd Kanter - Olympic Champion and Riina Varts - AoEC Faculty Estonia

Peep Aaviksoo (AoEC faculty and Head of AoEC Estonia), former member of Estonian Olympic Committee and President of the Basketball Federation says that there are lots of similarities in sports coaching and executive coaching, but also differences you need to keep in mind. Sports and business are both goal-oriented activities. Gerd is a suitable person to facilitate and inspire Estonian athletes in their sports career full of numerous challenges to be faced. I am convinced that by implementing the skills and knowledge acquired in the Practitioner Diploma in Executive Coaching programme, Gerd will become an excellent manager and counsellor which will benefit the whole sports field of Estonia.”

For more information on training to become a coach with AoEC Estonia visit: 

