On 4 March 2021, it’s the second Climate Coaching Action Day, a global initiative launched last year by Coaching at Work. The magazine’s editor, a leadership coach and AoEC faculty Liz Hall reports.
I remember my own trepidation at the idea of ever mentioning the environment in a coaching session. After all, coaching is all about the client’s agenda, is it not? Well yes, it is. And, and, and.
Many more of us, including in the coaching profession, have now accepted the climate emergency as a reality, one that impacts everyone. So in that sense, the environment IS the client’s agenda. That said, of course, we have to meet our clients where they are. We have to be sensitive to what the client, and their organisational sponsor - if applicable, are seeking from the coaching. If we do bring in the environment, it behoves us to do that as we might attend to any other stakeholder. Because I do believe the Earth, fellow sentient beings and future generations are indeed stakeholders. They have rights, and they have voices.
However, we have to pick our moments- in some of the coaching I’ve been doing around resilience, it really wouldn’t have been appropriate when someone is in overwhelm to start bringing in the climate issue, for example! It’s important to be invitational - nobody wants a lecture. And we have to find our signature approaches, our own ways of bringing the environment into coaching conversations.
Climate Coaching Action Day
I launched Climate Coaching Action Day last year through Coaching at Work magazine in a bid to help promote and inspire coaching around the climate emergency, allow climate-focused or climate-sensitised coaching a prized seat at the table, along with other coaching, and to help build a global diverse community of coaches stepping up to contribute in this arena in a myriad of ways.
Last year’s response was amazing and this year, already, I’ve been bowled over by the response again.
Below are some details of events being planned - but there are new ones being added so do keep any eye open on social media.
Thanks for all you’re doing!
Calendar of events
All timings UTC/GMT
Please do look out for other announcements on social media.
To launch the Climate Coaching Alliance’s 24-hour conversation, “What’s Mine To Do”, Tom Rivett-Carnac, chief political strategist for the landmark Paris Agreement on climate change, adopted by 195 countries in 2015, serving alongside former UN Climate Chief, Christiana Figueres, joins his coach Jo Confino, a leading sustainability activist, journalist and Zen mindfulness practitioner. They’ll explore how leaders can increase their agency, recognise that climate change is an ‘everyone everywhere’ opportunity to build a new world that we can only create together.
Podcast (released on 4 March): Coaching at Work editor Liz Hall interviews Dr Alister Scott, leadership coach, sustainability expert, and co-founder of the One Leadership Project
Going Towards
How do we go towards pain, fear and grief in embracing the scary reality of the climate emergency? How do we as coaches help people do this? And how do we imagine ourselves and with our clients better futures that we want to go towards? What's the role of coaching in helping us let go of more, more, more? What does success in a calmer, kinder and more sustainable world really look like? And what are the challenges for coaches? How can we truly bring an independent mindset that enables through challenge and humanity?
24 hours: 0000 to 2400
The Climate Coaching Alliance is hosting its third 24-hour marathon but this time with a difference. CCA members from around the world will host events, and as always these are free to attend. The theme is "What's Mine To Do?"
Eve Turner is hosting a 75-minute panel discussion "LET THE ECOLOGY DO THE COACHING AND SUPERVISION" with Catherine Gorham, Jackee Holder, Lily Seto and Professor Peter Hawkins, at 1800 UK time. You can register for this, and all the other many events, free on the website: and please do join the CCA.
24 hours
Video marathon on Facebook and Instagram with Greece-based coach training organisation Positivity Coaching:
Choose life.
· What do we do as professional coaches to highlight the importance of the planet and our environment?
· What small changes are we committed to do NOW and how do we set a good example to others around us?
· Where and how do we start to declare all the above?
Positivity Coaching will run short videos launched every 60 minutes on the hour. Send your video with your answers on the above questions to: communication@positivity.gr
8.00 AM
Morel Foreman & Saima Butt, ICF Foundation Trustees, England
Climate Change? Call the Coaches! “Delivering Greatest Possible Contribution to Humanity and the Planet”.
As coaches, we know that the right questions at the right time in the right place can change conversations and make an impact. Come to this session to identify what matters for bridging the gap between what’s needed and possible through the transformational benefits of coaching for the benefit of our planet. Join here
Compassion Space
Join Coaching at Work editor Liz Hall and CEO of the Conscious Leader Mark McMordie for an experiential session to help you become present, set your intentions, and bring in some compassion for yourself and others around the climate emergency.
ID: 814 8821 5287
Passcode: 374998
4 ways to niche your coaching practice
Join four of the Climate Change Coaches team to hear how they ‘ve niched their coaching practices in service of our environment, sharing insights and ideas about the distinct coaching areas that they occupy, including: green career transition, connecting to nature, eating for the planet, climate entrepreneurship and developing leaders in sustainability.
As coaches, we know there are a myriad of different ways that we can support passionate people who want to do something for the environment, and the team hope to spark some ideas in you with this FREE, conversational hour together. `Hamish, Megan, Emily and Climate Change Coaches founder Charly Fox will each explain their niches and then throw the session open for an in-depth Q&A. Come with questions and leave with purpose!This session is aimed at coaches, but all are welcome to come along. Join here
15.00 ICF Foundation
Cristine Custodio, ICF Foundation Ambassador, Puerto Rico IN SPANISH
Tras el huracán: coaching y el cambio climático (After the Hurricane: Coaching and Climate Change)
Custodio shares her experiences of navigating climate change, having experienced Hurricanes Irma and Maria in her native Puerto Rico. The session will explore how coaches can help others face up to climate change, and work for environmental justice.
Morel Foreman & Saima Butt, ICF Foundation Trustees, England
Climate Change? Call the Coaches! “Delivering Greatest Possible Contribution to Humanity and the Planet” (repeat of earlier event). Join here
Open Space – reflecting on the 24 hour “What’s Mine To Do?” with the CCA co-founders and Climate Coaching Action Day initiator & Coaching at Work editor Liz Hall
Come and share your thoughts, insights, learning and commitments that have resulted from the day. There’s no set agenda, and the hope is that we’ll collectively hear about different sessions we’ve attended, and collate themes, and give space for follow-up ideas to emerge.
Social media
Climate Coaching Action Day is on social media.
Follow us, spread the word about the initiative, share what others are up to and post what YOU’RE doing to mark Climate Coaching Action Day