The AoEC and Modern Slavery
Helping organisations to end slavery in the workplace
The AoEC has made a long-term multi-year commitment to being part of the international campaign to end modern slavery. There are many ways in which we advance our ESG (Environment, Social and Governance) commitments; and modern slavery is our main company-wide external campaign.
Why would an executive coaching company choose modern slavery as its focus? Executive coaching focusses on creating and supporting workplaces at their best. At the other extreme, slavery embodies working conditions at their very worst – when rights, freedom and human dignity are all denied. We look to what we can do to support the campaigning, advocacy and rescue work of anti-slavery experts around the world.
We have two main priorities:
First, offering pro bono coaching and mentoring support to modern slavery organisations and networks. This could include:
- sharing of our own experience as a company on organisational priorities such as operations, finance, marketing, strategy-planning;
- tailored executive coaching to individuals and teams working on modern slavery. We are not experts who can work directly with survivors; but we have resources to support those who do.
Second, educating ourselves and our alumni and our networks about modern slavery – about the global trends, and also the realities of modern slavery in everyday communities. For example, did you know that in 2020, UK nationals were the third-most common nationality of enslaved people in the UK?
Estimates of the number of people enslaved in the UK range from 10,000 (the cases reported to the UK Government) to 136,000 (estimated by the Global Slavery Index), and that globally 50 million adults and children are living in slavery, including forced marriages, domestic servitude, forced and bonded labour and trafficking. In many modern economies, you might expect to encounter slaves at your local car wash, shop or nail bar; it’s also prevalent in the hospitality, construction and IT industries and in agriculture. Learn the simple international recognition signal so that you know if someone is covertly signalling for help.
If you work against modern slavery, and you think you would benefit from support, please contact us today.
Modern slavery additional support resources:
- Six Things You Can Do - downloadable poster
- Spot the Signs - downloadable poster
- Key Commemorative Dates on Slavery
- Modern Slavery Helpline - for anyone wanting to report incidents or to access support
Coaching Skills Certificate for Staff and Volunteers working against modern slavery
2025 dates to be confirmed
The AoEC has made a commitment to support organisations and their employees who are working against modern slavery. One of the ways in which we do so is by offering, without charge, access to our exclusive Coaching Skills Certificate programme, attended by staff working or volunteering in this sector. This course is helpful for individuals wanting to incorporate coaching skills into their people development expertise and is especially helpful for line managers and team leaders. Further information about what to expect from the course can be found here. As this particular course is attended by people working and volunteering in the fight against modern slavery it also provides a useful opportunity to network and connect with others in this field.
Register your interest below.
Please note the course content is based purely on the development of foundation level coaching skills and is suitable for those without prior coaching experience.
If you wish to assess your suitability for the programme, before registering your interest, please contact

Helping organisations
We can provide pro bono support to those leading and managing modern slavery organisations, and to individual activists and campaigners. Examples include coaching the coordinator of a local modern slavery partnership; and team coaching for an accommodation provider for those rescued from modern slavery. Contact John Gray for more information and to book an initial exploratory conversation.

The AoEC's Anti-Slavery Annual Walk #endingslavery
On 18 October 2024, Anti-Slavery Day and during our 25th Anniversary year, a team from the AoEC undertook a challenge of walking 25km via several of the London slavery landmarks - we did it!
Read our story here.